An introduction to our beautiful birds by Keith Betton, County Recorder for the Hampshire Ornithological Society.

"The Warren at Tidgrove is a superb area of downland with a great variety of breeding and wintering birds.The mix of habitats is just right for some of the valuable species which are declining in our countryside.

In my visits I have recorded around 90 species with plenty of finches and buntings, demonstrating that there is plenty of natural food available.

In the winter months there are often Short-eared Owls flying over the well-vegetated slopes and an occasional Hen Harrier too.

There are more Lapwings nesting at Tidgrove than any other recorded site in north Hampshire, and well away from any public highway Stone Curlews nest on specially prepared plots.

The estate reminds me of what our countryside used to be like, and how by careful management more of it could be once again."